I drive an old car–a 1995 Honda Odyssey van with over 200,000 miles on it (it turned over on the drive to Texas). A few days ago the panic alarm–which had not been on for at least 7 years–started going off and locking the ignition when I unlocked the car. It didn’t do it every time, just often enough to keep me completely on edge about driving. (A honking, flashing car is a real problem for an introvert who’s just moved to a new town.) What if I couldn’t get it started again? I didn’t even know where the remote control was anymore! Why was this happening?! It didn’t make any sense.
I called the Honda dealer. He gave me some tips: “Look for a fuse you can disconnect. Trial and error. Or a toggle switch you can throw under the dash.” I looked. No luck. I read the owner’s manual. No luck. I searched the internet. No luck. I changed my search terms; I searched again. Still no luck. My dad called his dealer. No luck. Finally, I remembered the Automotive Repair Reference Center on the library website. I dug out my library card, I logged on, and there, in a service bulletin from January 26, 1998 was mention of a Security System Control Unit fastened to the underside of the driver’s seat. I found the box. I threw the switch. I solved my problem.
I love libraries.
terse and well done
Next you’re going to tell us that one can find the solution to *any* problem in the library! 😉
My favorite site! I’m easily entertained. I can sit and watch the audio/visual pages with great interest even though I couldn’t possibly fix a thing, unless , of course, I was desperate because alarms and horns were going off.